Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Don't Make the 'Shine if You Can't do the Time

I guess making moonshine puts a lot on a person, with making sure you do not get caught, avoid the police, making up a cover story, and all the other complicated operations for having an illegal prospering moonshine business. According to the article, "Moonshiner 'Popcorn' Sutton may have committed suicide," making moonshine might have beat him down a little bit. Instead of serving two eighteen month long prison sentences, he may have committed suicide. Was he tired of playing cat and mouse and hide and seek with the law or is he so loyal to his moonshine that he does not want anyone to know the specifics of his lifestyle? Unfortunately, the police are unsure of how he died. They are thinking suicide, but that and other causes have yet to be completely ruled out. Popcorn was a big man in Tennessee. People knew who he was and respected him even if the law was set out to destroy him. According to the comments on the article, people said good things about him. Out of the comments I read, none of them were threatening or disrespectful like comments most people find on articles about criminals. There was no, "I'm glad he is dead," or, "The world is better off," kind of tone to the comments. They were generous and sincere. Popcorn may have been doing something illegal, but somehow he managed to remain a good person in the eyes of those who had no reason to lock him away. Despite his occupation, people were still interested in him. He even had an autobiography written that had not yet been published. Hopefully more news will be put out about his death. Some insight of his life would also be helpful in determining why he may have committed suicide if he did. Even after his death, Popcorn will continue to be cherished in Tennessee.

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