Monday, March 22, 2010

Quote of the Week

If you have ever watched The Rugrats on Nickelodeon, you might remember one of Tommy Pickles' main phrases. "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do." Even though I am no longer an infant, this quote is my motivation of the week if you just substitute a few words, like baby for college student. This week is probably the most busiest week I have had in my college career. The work I have to do now is probably nothing compared to the amounts of work I have to face in the future. Right now, I have so much work that is due around the same time and me being overwhelmed has nothing to do with procrastination. I have always managed my time well but now it seems like there are not enough hours in the day to get school work done and still manage to eat, sleep, and shower on a daily basis. I guess it is time to make some sacrifices. Maybe no complete meals or a full 8 hours of sleep. I will not be happy but at least my work will be done. I can then rest easier knowing that my academic duties are completed. I will go over what I have to do so you can understand my situation a little better. I have about twenty workbook activities and a quiz tomorrow in my Italian class, a speech outline due for my Human Communication class, a rough draft, which I have already completed, and a movie analysis due in my English class on Wednesday, and about five different activities for Human Communication due Sunday. At least I am getting the blog done now. Reading over it, my workload does not seem too bad, but when it comes to actually doing it, oh, how it's a task. Yesterday, I was in the library from 1pm to 6pm. I'm in the library now writing this and I've been here since about 1pm as well, with only two things completed on my checklist. My brain cannot wait until this week is over. Once again, "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do." We all wish we can return to infanthood because there is nothing like having other people do everything for you. How I wish I could say that about my homework.

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